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April 28, 2016 | The AAI Mental Health & Dementia Workgroup held its second Detect & Connect workshop. The workshops focus on mental health and dementia issues in older adults. The free workshops explore on Detection, identifying normal aging vs. abnormal behavior, and Connection, effective communication techniques and appropriate support services.

The workshop was created for community members who regularly support the needs of older adults

Those in attendance have included both care givers and professionals from all over the county. Participants who interact with older adults learned how to detect behaviors that might reflect mental health or dementia issues, and how to compassionately respond and connect them to resources.

Those in attendance included both care givers and professionals from the city of San Rafael, EAH Housing, and two local law offices

The event was videotaped for future training and development. There will be a Train the Trainer workshop in June (date TBD). If you would like to be notified about registration, please contact or call 415-492-9444.

Aging Action Initiative (AAI) is a collective effort of over 65 different agencies, grassroots organizations, commission and neighborhood groups, funded by the County of Marin and coordinated by MARINSPACE, collaborating for an age-friendly environment. For more information visit or connect with us on Facebook.