Friday February 19, 2016 | 10:00 – 11:00 am | FREE Admission
Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) is a program that provides stipends to low-income people who are either 65+, blind, or disabled. In Marin, there are 3,700 people living on SSI/SSP and 1,300 of our county’s recipients who receive the stipend are above the age of 65.
Join us in learning about the current state of the SSI/SSP program, and how we can come together to advocate for change. We will be talking about how the Aging Action Initiative (AAI) can come together and support CA4SSI’s efforts to increase benefits for some of our most vulnerable Marin County residents. We will have two presenters from the statewide Californians for SSI coalition:
- Colleen Rivecca, Advocacy Program Lead, St. Anthony’s Foundation
- Shanti Prasad, Community Mobilization Coordinator, Alameda County Community Food Bank
About Aging Action Initiative
The purpose of the Aging Action Initiative is to promote a county-wide age-friendly environment, especially for those in need, collectively created by a strong network of aging service providers through public education, policy advocacy, and service coordination. The initiative is a collective effort of over 65 different agencies, grassroots organizations, commissions and neighborhood groups, funded by the County of Marin, and coordinated by MarinSpace.