Marin County Section on Aging

The Marin County Section on Aging is a coalition of agencies, organizations, and individuals concerned with the well-being of older persons. They are a network alliance advocating for and promoting the development, coordination, and implementation of older adult services in Marin County.

Section on Aging members meet regularly and encourage new members to join. The meetings include networking at the beginning and end, introductions, an educational speaker, and a question and answer session.

Visit to learn more.

Marin Home Care Association

The Marin Home Care Association is an organization of home care providers working to educate the Marin community about licensed home care choices. Its mission is to inform, educate, and advocate for consumers, providers, and caregivers seeking high-quality home care delivered by knowledgeable committed individuals supporting health, independence, and autonomy across the lifespan.

Marin Home Care Association offers a brochure of licensed home care organizations.