By Ellen Baxter
AAI Detect& Connect Program Coordinator
Gracie Allen once said, “Never place a period where God intended a comma.” She was a wise lady, and it’s a fitting quote for the Aging Action Initiative.
My name is Ellen Baxter, and I am the new Community Outreach Coordinator for AAI’s Detect&Connect program. I’m thrilled to join this active and caring community of advocates for older adults in Marin County.
AAI is a unique organization with great energy and passion for promoting age-friendly spaces and advocating for the needs of older adults. We know people are best served when we collaborate through awareness, education, kindness, and service coordination.
Detect&Connect is an educational workshop designed to teach best methods to effectively connect with older people, especially those who appear confused or in need of emotional support. Our workshop guides the process to determine how to recognize levels of need and concern, along with teaching ways to connect folks to the best community resources.
We have gathered a team of professional trainers to guide groups through an informative and interactive educational process. All of our trainers bring specialized backgrounds working with older adults. We also offer bilingual training. Our team is highly qualified to offer you individualized training with streamlined answers to meet the specific needs of your group.
People have asked, “Who should attend the Detect & Connect workshops?” My answer is, “Anyone!” Everyone interacts with older people in Marin.
Maybe you are a trained social worker interacting with clients daily. Maybe you are a first responder answering calls for falls or other medical emergencies. Perhaps you are part of a faith community or a volunteer group. You might be a bus driver — or just ride the bus.
Whether it’s at home, work, or in the grocery story, we all encounter neighbors, friends, and family members who may act confused or disoriented. Knowing how to be supportive, whether for daily need or urgent care, is a valuable tool.
Detect&Connect was designed for just about everyone. Even better — it’s a free workshop for your organization! We would love to reach every person in Marin with the Detect&Connect program. Please reach out to me at ellen@agingactioninitiative.org to schedule or with questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Gracie Allen was a brilliant lady who would understand the challenges of taking care of each other in today’s world. Please join us in the advancement of awareness and action on behalf of aging adults in Marin County. Together, we will grow a space where older adults can confidently punctuate their lives with commas.